October Science Wrap 2023

Science Hub

October Science Wrap 2023

31 October 2023

Dr Ginni Mansberg

Hello fellow skintellectuals!

Thanks to all of you who came out to our Complexion Correction launch. It was an absolute cracker! Complexion Correction is another ESK dissolving microneedle product. This time targeting pigmentation patches. They’re single use because as you apply them, the hyaluronic microneedles (they don’t hurt they just prickle) dissolve inside the skin releasing a payload of anti-hyperpigmentation actives into the skin itself. The hero is 4-n-butylresorcinol, the most powerful inhibitor of tyrosinase. Hyperpigmentation takes longer to combat than dry skin or fine lines. So patience is required. But the studies and the early feedback from our trial run customers has been incredible. Let us know what you think.

Now, let’s check out the latest studies!!

Complexion Correction: Microneedle Patches

Complexion Correction: Microneedle Patches

Complexion correction combines the benefits of evidence based active ingredients, especially 4-N-Butylresorcinol (a powerful tyrosinase inhibitor) with dissolving microneedle technology to provide improved results in managing hyperpigmentation, particularly age spots (solar lentigines).

Microneedle patch (oval shape - 4cm x 2cm) - each pack contains 16 patches. (8 weeks use)

Included: Free Travel Size Enlighten 15ml


Is your laptop giving you wrinkles?

In case you missed it, there’s a new form of radiation lurking in the environment to cause premature aging and pigmentation. Blue light is sent forth from your screens and a new Chinese study confirms that it reduces collagen production and increases collagen breakdown. The authors point out that emerging research suggests that blue light induces skin inflammation, skin barrier damage, and skin pigmentation. What we don’t know is how much blue light causes harm. We also don’t know exactly how to avoid it. Limit time in front of screens is the current thinking. Another option is physical sunscreens that seem to provide blue light protection by reflecting not only UV radiation but also blue light away from the skin, something chemical sunscreens don’t do. A good diet full of antioxidants from things like fruit and vegetables help, too. And while it’s early days, it seems that antioxidants like vitamin C in your skincare may help too.

C Forte

C Forte

Hydrate and brighten your skin with this 16% L-Ascorbic Acid Serum. Vitamin C's sun damage reversing abilities are boosted when Vitamin E is added. Adding Ferulic Acid boosts it to still further for your best glow.

  • Hydrate dry skin.
  • Repair sun damaged skin.
  • Reduce fine lines, crows feet and pigmentation.

Skin and Vitamin D have a special relationship

An Italian review of multiple studies was just published in the journal, Frontiers in Endocrinology. It makes the case that keeping healthy vitamin D levels is a win for your skin. Well, for a start Vitamin D is made in the skin (when exposed to the sun’s UV (B) rays). It also has an anti-inflammatory role inside the skin and also has anti-aging effects. It has been found to stimulate collagen synthesis inside the skin which then improves skin thickness and strength. It also helps with wound healing and helps prevent damage caused by the sun’s UV rays. Studies in rats and mice have shown that vitamin D deficiency, both mild and severe, may speed up aging. Ironically, same goes for high levels of vitamin D. But there seems to be a U-shaped curve, with “normal” vitamin D levels in the blood being essential for avoiding premature aging. Lots of my patients have very low vitamin D levels. It is a simple blood test through your GP and while the evidence for their effectiveness is still emerging, supplements are cheap and available through supermarkets and pharmacies without a prescription. Just don’t go overboard, too much Vitamin D can occasionally be associated with some nasty side effects.

Mozzie season hot tips!

If you are a mozzie magnet, this study is for you. Published in the journal, Acta Dermato Venerelogica, this German study looked at a whopping 12000 insect bites looking at what gives the greatest relief from the itch. The answer might surprise you. It was heat! Effective against mosquitoes, horseflies, bees and wasps, it had its best effects against mosquito bites. Heat saw any bite-induced itch reduce by 57% within the first minute and by 81% 5–10 min later. In the study, there was a specific device used to heat up the bite area but I don’t see why you wouldn’t get the same results applying a spoon that you’ve run under the hot tap. Try it out this summer and let us know!
